Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'M BORED........

any suggestions? (and please don't say clean the house or something awful like that. no matter how much it might need it.)


Liz said...

Go shopping! Oh yeah, you already did that! Will Steve kill you if you do it again?! It's just so much fun!

Megan and Travis said...

Come to Utah and visit me, because I'm bored too!

Carol Beck said...

liz: he absolutely, positively would kill me and worse then that take away my credit card, which he hasn't done yet but is threatening!!!!!!!!

Lori Hurst said...

Go "Wiki-ing"! I love to go to and just randomly start reading up on something (they actually have a random article of the day) - the Romanov Dynasty, World War 1, History of Computer Engineering, Greek mythology, Architecture - there are a million things to learn about on the web! I end up getting lost - embedded layers from where I started and always learning something new and exciting.

It's easier on the feet and wallet also!

Lori Hurst said...

Oh, yeah - and it's free!!

Carol Beck said...

meggie: i would LOVE to come visit you and see your new apt. unfortunately i spent enough money in the last couple of days to buy a plane ticket so i don't think that's gonna happen!!!!!!

Carol Beck said...

lori: when i get started looking things up on the internet i might not be seen for days!!!! i know what you mean about one thing linking to another! i know i have an excuse for everything! i'm just in one of those moods where nothing sounds fun. (sounds kinda like depression to me. how about you?)

Jennifer said...

Go to and click on games. I like Bubble Town, Alchemy, and of course Mah Jong. I can while away the hours.

Oo, oo, you could go to JCPenny's and buy and Webkinz and get online and play and play!

Jennifer said...

Or invite a friend for dinner or a movie (or both).

Leslie said...

Ok so all of your new posts...I can read. The paper bag album....did you delete it?? I can't read it. Perhaps you are in the process of editing it.