this is my second day to be home with nowhere to go. i had appointments monday and tuesday so i was kind of ready to stay home yesterday but two days in a row is too much. i get depressed and i dont really get too much done. i really need to get a life! unfortunately being depressed makes me not want to do anything so i dont get out and pursue things to do and ways to make new friends. ive been given lots of ideas but so far havent followed up on any of them. if anybody has any ideas let me know. maybe one of them will motivate me!
I think you have all this time on your hands so you can continue preparing for being a wonderful grandmother to your soon to be MANY grandkids!
I sent you an idea in an email the other day... are you up for doing that - projects for Oli to do in Utah. It would be really helpful to me!
Ok you're in the next room, but I like getting comments on blogs so I figured I'd write a comment rather than tell you in person plus then you have less of a chance of forgetting...
I have an idea! I need to do 16 hours of volunteer work this summer for one of my classes, maybe you could do it with me?
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