Wednesday, December 17, 2008


i called the dr. at the hospital and they said he hadnt come in yet. i called his office and got the answering service and left a message. i thought about having him paged but decided to wait until the office opened. i called back when they opened and they said they sent the approval yesterday so i called the drug store back. they said they hadnt gotten it so they would call the drs. office. anyway, i FINALLY got the meds this afternoon! next time i will get my prescription in writing even though its more of a hassle for me. actually nothing could be more of a hassle then this has been! i guess i wont be going to the hospital but sometimes these things take days for the effects to show up so ill wait and see! steve was even beginning to get worried and hes the one that always says he thinks i should stop taking the drugs altogether!! he thinks they are the source of my problems. he told me before he left for work be sure and go get your meds first thing this morning!!! he also called back a few hours later to see if id gone yet. he said he thought i might have gone back to sleep and forgotten to go get them. i wonder why he would think that? maybe since i slept most of the day yesterday? i think ive figured out why i had a headache too. steve asked me this morning if i took my other meds last night. i had forgotten to (well..... actually i slept through the time i was supposed to take them). so i didnt take my blood pressure medicine yesterday. my headache was the pounding kind. im sure it was due to my blood pressure. my blood pressure has been up a little lately anyway. just missing one pill usually wouldnt make it go up but since its been up anyway it might. i go to the dr. tommorrow to find out the results of my xray on my knee and to find out if im going to need an mri on it. its feeling better but still not 100%. drs.,drs.,drs.!!!! do i sound like a hypocondriac? probably!!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad you finally got your meds! There is nothing more frustrating than being at the mercy of a doctor.